28th Annual Coordinated School Health Conference

The 2020 Coordinated School Health Conference was held December 3 - 4, 2020, Virtually.
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Ashley Krause, Associate Superintendent, Farmington R-7 School District - Practical use of the WSCC model: Finding your WHY and Building Resilience
Breakout Sessions:
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Recovering during and after the Pandemic
What Does Your Wellness Policy Say and What Does It Mean?
Building Safe and Healthy Schools: Moving from Conversation to Action
Taking Care of You: Managing Stress and Improving Health in Your Work and Life
NEW! Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Education: Guidance and Training Materials
Fostering Resilience through Mindfulness & Self-Regulation
COVID-19, Youth Vaping and Schools
New and Improved – A Closer Look at the 2nd Edition of the National Sexuality Education Standards
The Grandparent Café - An example of the WSCC Model in Action
Preventing Poisoning During COVID-19: What You Need to Know to Keep Kids Safe
Fostering Community Partnerships to Improve School Health & Well-Being
Laws That Impact School Nurses
Advocacy - Every day and with our state and national legislators
2020 Co-Sponsors
- KC Healthy Kids
- Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
- Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
- United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and
Agriculture - MU Extension, University of Missouri